Why Ollie Can’t Play With Fireworks

Fireworks are a fun part of July 4th celebrations. It’s no secret that Ollie Bug, Spider of Adventure plays with fire.  With all the jet packs, rockets and other incendiary devices designed to send a spider into space, he’s quite good at it.  However, there are a few things Oliver is not allowed to play with.  Mostly for his safety but for the safety of the entire meadow as well.  

Friends and fireworks
Ollie and the gang play it safe this year.

Fireworks are the one major item featured on Ollie’s List Of No-Nos.   There was the one time he, along with the usual cohorts, tried making colorful sparklers.  That resulted in a new clubhouse and four months of growing fur back in places it’s difficult to grow fur. 

New Rule:

It was decided then that recreational incendiary devices should be handled with care and not paws sticky with raspberry jelly. It’s just better for everyone that way.

So on this day, Independence Day, a day of outdoor grilling (another on the List), summer laziness and fireworks, Ollie and friends leave it to the professionals.  Today will be spent out in the meadow playing silly games with silly rules that won’t make sense to anyone without a healthy imagination. 

They’ll adhere to the laws of tradition and watch  Jaws for the thousandth time as the sun sets and stay out of the water for a week.  By the way, the sharks in the bay don’t eat little fuzzy creatures.  We aren’t really sure what they eat and no one wants to ask. 

 After dark, the gang will make their way up to the top of Moonwater Observatory, closed for the holiday, and perch themselves on the high walls to watch the fireworks over Moonwater Harbor. 

Sometimes it’s better to leave the heavy lifting to a skilled group of professionals who may or may not have fur. 

Oliver Bug is an adventurer, detective, inventor and gourmet chef residing in Moonwater Meadow.  He can often be found in his workshop putting out small unintentional fires.

Tom Serafini is Ollie’s official biographer.  He has an affinity for banana pudding.  His first illustrated picture book, Ollie Bug and the Icky Sticky Thing From Space, will be funded through a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign coming soon.

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