Today is Wear A Cape Day!

Celebrating individuality and creativity is a big deal around here.

In the little world I write and paint there are different holidays.  We call them Ollie-days because they’re usually made up by Ollie, our resident genius.

Wear A Cape Day is one such day in Moonwater Meadow.  On the surface it looks like everyone dresses like their favorite superhero and assumes the “Batman Voice”.   Wear A Cape Day is really about celebrating the individuality and uniqueness of everyone.  It’s also about the fearlessness to express that.

Today is the day your innermost self comes to the surface to reveal the true you. Whether you’re a hero, a villain, a daredevil, a princess or heroic-villainous-baker of Moonwater’s famous strawberry avocado mozzarella cupcakes, there’s a cape waiting for you.

Why is that important? Expressing individuality is a way of expressing personal creativity.

Creativity turns imaginations into giant flowing canvases of color, words, thoughts and ideas. It’s the spark of dreams in action. It’s not really about pinning a towel around your neck and trying to scale buildings in the name of heroism.   You should see them try to scale buildings.  Very silly.  But it could be because what’s more fun than having fun?

If you’re like our Ollie here, you can wear a cape simply because there’s nothing more dramatic than making an entrance with a flowing cape bristling about your shoulders. Of course, it gets a little difficult having conversations when everyone has a flowing cape rustling about them. But it is rather fun strolling up to the taco stand with your hands on your hips and ordering a basket of veggie burritos and fries while your cape is flowing about your head.

Ollie and his pals often raid the linen closet for a towel and a clip to fasten around themselves and run off into the meadow pretending the day away. Sometimes they are all heroes or all villains which gets a little boring since everyone is on the same side. Other times they are sea captains, colorful royalty, pirates or even astronauts. Don’t ask this biographer why astronauts wear capes because he doesn’t know.

What’s actually funny is watching these little dorks tripping over their capes while striking cinematic hero poses and crashing into the furniture.

So, my friends how would you celebrate Wear A Cape Day?

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